ズー,「トゥーム レイダー:レジェンド 日本語版」価格改定版を5月22日に発売 ズーは,ララ・クロフトが主人公となってさまざまな危険を
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2009年1月29日 2丁拳銃を乱射し、危険な遺跡にも恐れずに踏み込んでいく、強く、美しく、そしてセクシーなトレジャーハンター“ララ・クロフト”が帰ってくる! 株式会社スパイクが1月29日に発売したPS3/Xbox 360「トゥームレイダー:アンダーワールド」は、ララ・
2017/12/08 Tomb Raider is an action-adventure video game developed by Core Design and published by Eidos Interactive. It was originally released in 1996 for Sega Saturn, I bought this when it first came out. It was a gamechanger pardon the CoolROM.com's game information and ROM (ISO) download page for Tomb Raider (Europe) (Sony Playstation). View this page in.. English French German Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese Russian Spanish Thai The classic Tomb Raider games were designed for standard (4:3) aspect ratio monitors and TVs. This unofficial widescreen patch created by Ed Kurlyak (aka Mr.Blackfour) allows you to run Tomb Raider 2, 3 and 4, as well as the Golden Mask and Lost Artifact expansions, on widescreen monitors without the usual distortion. . It works with the CD … 2014/04/08 2020/06/15